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Rich's Website
Deena Duncan(A1 Artist)
AZ Lottery
MO Lottery
The Smoking Gun

@ the Camel

@ the Heart of America

Saturday, April 30th


Well, I am in KC for a while since my Mom is having valve replacement surgery on Monday. We are going to the store today and getting everything she needs for next week. I should have time to post some KC pictures soon.

Drydune @ 12:47 PM MST[Link]

Wednesday, April 27th

Check this computer out...

I am thinking about getting one of these. This is a pretty interesting article.

Super Computer

Drydune @ 10:23 AM MST[Link]

Sunday, April 24th

Trip to Circle K / Getting coffee before stump dig

Typically when I encounter homeless people or money beggars here in Phoenix they can at times seem undeserving. Mostly because of their aggresive behavior, dressed way to well for being homeless, or there are visible signs of drug use. I stopped at Circle K before this stump dig and just met a guy that I think was the most desperate looking guy I hvae seen for a while. First of all, one whole side of his back jeans leg was completely brown and yellow. I think he probably had an accident or slept in some garbage. Second his head had a giant cut and there was a nice layer of grime all over his skin.
He called out to me after I exited the store deep in thought as to why they were out of Hazelnut Coffee and what a drag that was. His voice was weak and asked if I could spare any change. Seeing his appearance I grabbed all that I had in the car and gave it to him. There were alot of pennys but some silver. He said he really appreciated it. I felt bad because I had no other cash, I asked him if he was ok, he said yes and thank you. He had trouble opening the door to the store to get in.

I felt pretty bad for this guy. Normally I think that people lead themselves to their own ends, but this guy seemed pretty sad and genuine. I am just glad that my life is as good as it is.

I did think of something else pretty strange. As a society we are going towards electronic barter, credit cards, debit, etc. I know point of arrival is far away in the future, but I hardly ever have cash on me now. At times there is no need for it. Something to think about when you see these futuristic movies, how do they account for that? Maybe beggars will have to have a credit card terminal now.

Drydune @ 01:22 PM MST[Link]


Ok, I am going to get some breakfast then do something I really loathe. Digging out a tree stump. Somehow when they invented trees, the decided to secure them nicely with roots. The last one took like 3 hours. I would use dynamite if it was not so close to the house.

Drydune @ 11:54 AM MST[Link]

Saturday, April 23rd

Going away party

Well, if you look at the phone blog section, you can see my previous team had one last night out together, minus one. Martha could not be there, she had a death in the family. I will be thinking about her, it has to be hard.

My boss is officially for sure in her new department now. We will all miss her. When she is not around, you can feel it very deeply in your soul. Our whole team was that way, very diverse, creative, and honest. I will really miss that. There are still 4 of us, all is not lost.

Bye Em.

Drydune @ 12:39 AM MST[Link]

Thursday, April 21st

KC nuts continued

My mom sent me the links for Fonda but she also told me about a Rabbi and a NEO Nazi fighting and the airport. From what I hear the Rabbi won and the NEO Nazi is afraid for his life, lol. I can't find the link. What the heck is going on there?

I could not use the link from the KC Star because they always want people to sign it. That is so they can spam you constantly and brainwash you with advertisements. Muahahhahaha

Drydune @ 10:55 PM MST[Link]

Kansas City is going nuts...

Here is some news from Kansas "Spitty" as they are calling now. Jane Fonda was attacked by some tobacky. It is causing chaos and arguments all over the town.

See here : FONDA

Drydune @ 10:51 PM MST[Link]

Wednesday, April 20th

New Pictures in Album

Well, I told you that I did not have time to take pictures in Florida while I was working. I posted the pictures of the hotel room and then some recent ones of the house. The house ones are a bit outdated now so I need to take more. Bye for now.

Drydune @ 11:24 PM MST[Link]

Monday, April 18th

Air Quality

What is up with the air in Phoenix? I have been sneezing for about 2 weeks straight unless I take Benedryl or Claritin. With all the work around the house it could be the dust. I know there have been pollution advisories but this is getting ridiculous.

Drydune @ 01:05 PM MST[Link]

Monday, April 11th


Well as you can see, I have not posted much lately. A lot of changes are going on right now and I have been busy. In addition to my boss moving on to another area, my good friend Rich, who works for Big Blue (IBM), went to another account and is no longer in our building. This has left several of us decimated since he was probably the best desktop support person I have ever met. His technical skills are outstanding and his personality is 2nd to none plus he is a great friend. This year has turned out to be very interesting so far. I hope there are not too many more suprises unless they are good ones.

Oh, I went to Florida on business last week. Sorry, no pictures except for those on the phone blog. I had absolutely no time to see the beach.

Hehe I really made up for not posting any messages!!!

Drydune @ 11:01 PM MST[Link]

Fare thee well boss!!

Emily, it has been wonderful. You have been great to work for. Challenging at times but a great person with tons of integrity. See you soon.

Drydune @ 10:52 PM MST[Link]


I need to take more updated house pictures. A lot has been done since the last photo's on 3/28/05. We have not been doing any of the work lately due to time constraints. It is so dang dusty around here. The air is horrible right now because of all the dust and pollen. I guess we had an air advisory over the weekend. I can't stop sneezing, plus all the work around the house causes tons of dust.

Drydune @ 10:50 PM MST[Link]

Photo Album Update

Hey, I finally fixed the pictures of the Air Show, they should all work now. I also added about 4 more sets of pictures. All of the pictures are alot bigger than the representation in the photo album and look better the larger size. I have to crop them otherwise the pages take forever to load. If you want the bigger ones let me know and I will send them to you.

Drydune @ 10:48 PM MST[Link]